Bharti Vishwavidyalaya

UGC , New Delhi Under Section 2(f)
NOTIFICATION:- ADMISSION OPEN IN BHARTI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Asst. Professor, Visiting Faculty in the following Departments: Commerce, Management, Hotel Management, Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Sciences, Arts & Humanities Health & Allied Sciences, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication. Candidates may apply through Email ""

Sanskrit Departments

Mr. Anil Tandan
Head of Department
Sanskrit Department
The Sanskrit department is a significant academic division within educational institutions that focuses on the study and preservation of the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit. Sanskrit is considered one of the oldest classical languages in the world and has a rich literary heritage that spans thousands of years. The department offers courses and programs that delve into various aspects of Sanskrit, including its grammar, literature, philosophy, and religious texts.
Through the study of Sanskrit literature, students gain insights into the cultural, historical, and religious aspects of ancient Indian civilization.the Sanskrit department serves as a hub for those passionate about the Sanskrit language and its profound impact on Indian culture, literature, religion, and philosophy. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of this ancient language and its invaluable contribution to the world’s intellectual and spiritual heritage.